enterprise.admin package#


enterprise.admin.actions module#

Custom Django Admin actions used in enterprise app.

enterprise.admin.actions.export_as_csv_action(description='Export selected objects as CSV file', fields=None, header=True)#

Return an export csv action.

  • description (string) – action description

  • fields ([string]) – list of model fields to include

  • header (bool) – whether or not to output the column names as the first row

enterprise.admin.actions.refresh_catalog(self, request, queryset)#

Kicks off background running tasks for refreshing catalogs

enterprise.admin.forms module#

Forms to be used in the enterprise djangoapp.

class enterprise.admin.forms.AdminNotificationForm(data=None, files=None, auto_id='id_%s', prefix=None, initial=None, error_class=<class 'django.forms.utils.ErrorList'>, label_suffix=None, empty_permitted=False, instance=None, use_required_attribute=None, renderer=None)#

Bases: ModelForm

Alternate form for AdminNotification.

class Meta#

Bases: object

fields = '__all__'#

alias of AdminNotification

widgets = {'text': <django.forms.widgets.Textarea object>}#
base_fields = {'admin_notification_filter': <django.forms.models.ModelMultipleChoiceField object>, 'expiration_date': <django.forms.fields.DateField object>, 'is_active': <django.forms.fields.BooleanField object>, 'start_date': <django.forms.fields.DateField object>, 'text': <django.forms.fields.CharField object>, 'title': <django.forms.fields.CharField object>}#
  1. start_date and expiration_date are mandatory.

  2. start_date must always come before the expiration_date.

  3. There must be only one admin notification in a date range.

declared_fields = {}#
property media#

Return all media required to render the widgets on this form.

class enterprise.admin.forms.BulkCatalogQueryUpdateCommandConfigurationAdmin(model, admin_site)#

Bases: ConfigurationModelAdmin

Admin form for the BulkCatalogQueryUpdateCommandConfiguration model

property media#
class enterprise.admin.forms.EnterpriseCustomerAdminForm(data=None, files=None, auto_id='id_%s', prefix=None, initial=None, error_class=<class 'django.forms.utils.ErrorList'>, label_suffix=None, empty_permitted=False, instance=None, use_required_attribute=None, renderer=None)#

Bases: ModelForm

Alternate form for the EnterpriseCustomer admin page.

class Meta#

Bases: object

fields = ('name', 'slug', 'auth_org_id', 'country', 'active', 'customer_type', 'site', 'enable_data_sharing_consent', 'enforce_data_sharing_consent', 'enable_audit_enrollment', 'enable_audit_data_reporting', 'replace_sensitive_sso_username', 'hide_course_original_price', 'enable_portal_code_management_screen', 'enable_portal_subscription_management_screen', 'enable_learner_portal', 'enable_learner_portal_offers', 'enable_portal_learner_credit_management_screen', 'enable_executive_education_2U_fulfillment', 'hide_labor_market_data', 'enable_integrated_customer_learner_portal_search', 'enable_career_engagement_network_on_learner_portal', 'career_engagement_network_message', 'enable_pathways', 'enable_programs', 'enable_demo_data_for_analytics_and_lpr', 'enable_analytics_screen', 'enable_portal_reporting_config_screen', 'enable_portal_saml_configuration_screen', 'enable_portal_lms_configurations_screen', 'enable_universal_link', 'enable_browse_and_request', 'enable_slug_login', 'contact_email', 'default_contract_discount', 'default_language', 'sender_alias', 'reply_to')#

alias of EnterpriseCustomer

base_fields = {'active': <django.forms.fields.BooleanField object>, 'auth_org_id': <django.forms.fields.CharField object>, 'career_engagement_network_message': <django.forms.fields.CharField object>, 'contact_email': <django.forms.fields.EmailField object>, 'country': <django_countries.fields.LazyTypedChoiceField object>, 'customer_type': <django.forms.models.ModelChoiceField object>, 'default_contract_discount': <django.forms.fields.DecimalField object>, 'default_language': <django.forms.fields.TypedChoiceField object>, 'enable_analytics_screen': <django.forms.fields.BooleanField object>, 'enable_audit_data_reporting': <django.forms.fields.BooleanField object>, 'enable_audit_enrollment': <django.forms.fields.BooleanField object>, 'enable_browse_and_request': <django.forms.fields.BooleanField object>, 'enable_career_engagement_network_on_learner_portal': <django.forms.fields.BooleanField object>, 'enable_data_sharing_consent': <django.forms.fields.BooleanField object>, 'enable_demo_data_for_analytics_and_lpr': <django.forms.fields.BooleanField object>, 'enable_executive_education_2U_fulfillment': <django.forms.fields.BooleanField object>, 'enable_integrated_customer_learner_portal_search': <django.forms.fields.BooleanField object>, 'enable_learner_portal': <django.forms.fields.BooleanField object>, 'enable_learner_portal_offers': <django.forms.fields.BooleanField object>, 'enable_pathways': <django.forms.fields.BooleanField object>, 'enable_portal_code_management_screen': <django.forms.fields.BooleanField object>, 'enable_portal_learner_credit_management_screen': <django.forms.fields.BooleanField object>, 'enable_portal_lms_configurations_screen': <django.forms.fields.BooleanField object>, 'enable_portal_reporting_config_screen': <django.forms.fields.BooleanField object>, 'enable_portal_saml_configuration_screen': <django.forms.fields.BooleanField object>, 'enable_portal_subscription_management_screen': <django.forms.fields.BooleanField object>, 'enable_programs': <django.forms.fields.BooleanField object>, 'enable_slug_login': <django.forms.fields.BooleanField object>, 'enable_universal_link': <django.forms.fields.BooleanField object>, 'enforce_data_sharing_consent': <django.forms.fields.TypedChoiceField object>, 'hide_course_original_price': <django.forms.fields.BooleanField object>, 'hide_labor_market_data': <django.forms.fields.BooleanField object>, 'name': <django.forms.fields.CharField object>, 'replace_sensitive_sso_username': <django.forms.fields.BooleanField object>, 'reply_to': <django.forms.fields.EmailField object>, 'sender_alias': <django.forms.fields.CharField object>, 'site': <django.forms.models.ModelChoiceField object>, 'slug': <django.forms.fields.SlugField object>}#
declared_fields = {}#
property media#

Return all media required to render the widgets on this form.

class enterprise.admin.forms.EnterpriseCustomerCatalogAdminForm(data=None, files=None, auto_id='id_%s', prefix=None, initial=None, error_class=<class 'django.forms.utils.ErrorList'>, label_suffix=None, empty_permitted=False, instance=None, use_required_attribute=None, renderer=None)#

Bases: ModelForm

form for EnterpriseCustomerCatalogAdmin class.

class Meta#

Bases: object

fields = '__all__'#

alias of EnterpriseCustomerCatalog

base_fields = {'content_filter': <jsonfield.forms.JSONField object>, 'enabled_course_modes': <jsonfield.forms.JSONField object>, 'enterprise_catalog_query': <django.forms.models.ModelChoiceField object>, 'enterprise_customer': <django.forms.models.ModelChoiceField object>, 'preview_button': <django.forms.fields.Field object>, 'publish_audit_enrollment_urls': <django.forms.fields.BooleanField object>, 'title': <django.forms.fields.CharField object>}#
declared_fields = {'preview_button': <django.forms.fields.Field object>}#
static get_catalog_preview_uuid(post_data)#

Return the uuid of the catalog the preview button was clicked on There must be only one preview button in the POST data.

e.g: ‘enterprise_customer_catalogs-0-preview_button’

property media#

Return all media required to render the widgets on this form.

class enterprise.admin.forms.EnterpriseCustomerIdentityProviderAdminForm(*args, **kwargs)#

Bases: ModelForm

Alternate form for the EnterpriseCustomerIdentityProvider admin page.

This form fetches identity providers from lms third_party_auth app. If third_party_auth app is not avilable it displays provider_id as a CharField.

class Meta#

Bases: object

fields = '__all__'#

alias of EnterpriseCustomerIdentityProvider

base_fields = {'default_provider': <django.forms.fields.BooleanField object>, 'enterprise_customer': <django.forms.models.ModelChoiceField object>, 'provider_id': <django.forms.fields.SlugField object>}#

Final validations of model fields.

  1. Validate that selected site for enterprise customer matches with the selected identity provider’s site.

declared_fields = {}#
property media#

Return all media required to render the widgets on this form.

class enterprise.admin.forms.EnterpriseCustomerReportingConfigAdminForm(data=None, files=None, auto_id='id_%s', prefix=None, initial=None, error_class=<class 'django.forms.utils.ErrorList'>, label_suffix=None, empty_permitted=False, instance=None, use_required_attribute=None, renderer=None)#

Bases: ModelForm

Alternate form for the EnterpriseCustomerReportingConfiguration admin page.

This form uses the PasswordInput widget to obscure passwords as they are being entered by the user.

class Meta#

Bases: object

fields = ('enterprise_customer', 'active', 'data_type', 'report_type', 'delivery_method', 'enable_compression', 'pgp_encryption_key', 'frequency', 'day_of_month', 'day_of_week', 'hour_of_day', 'include_date', 'email', 'decrypted_password', 'sftp_hostname', 'sftp_port', 'sftp_username', 'decrypted_sftp_password', 'sftp_file_path', 'enterprise_customer_catalogs')#

alias of EnterpriseCustomerReportingConfiguration

widgets = {'decrypted_password': <django.forms.widgets.PasswordInput object>, 'decrypted_sftp_password': <django.forms.widgets.PasswordInput object>}#
base_fields = {'active': <django.forms.fields.BooleanField object>, 'data_type': <django.forms.fields.TypedChoiceField object>, 'day_of_month': <django.forms.fields.IntegerField object>, 'day_of_week': <django.forms.fields.TypedChoiceField object>, 'decrypted_password': <django.forms.fields.CharField object>, 'decrypted_sftp_password': <django.forms.fields.CharField object>, 'delivery_method': <django.forms.fields.TypedChoiceField object>, 'email': <multi_email_field.forms.MultiEmailField object>, 'enable_compression': <django.forms.fields.BooleanField object>, 'enterprise_customer': <django.forms.models.ModelChoiceField object>, 'enterprise_customer_catalogs': <django.forms.models.ModelMultipleChoiceField object>, 'frequency': <django.forms.fields.TypedChoiceField object>, 'hour_of_day': <django.forms.fields.IntegerField object>, 'include_date': <django.forms.fields.BooleanField object>, 'pgp_encryption_key': <django.forms.fields.CharField object>, 'report_type': <django.forms.fields.TypedChoiceField object>, 'sftp_file_path': <django.forms.fields.CharField object>, 'sftp_hostname': <django.forms.fields.CharField object>, 'sftp_port': <django.forms.fields.IntegerField object>, 'sftp_username': <django.forms.fields.CharField object>}#

Override of clean method to perform additional validation

declared_fields = {'enterprise_customer_catalogs': <django.forms.models.ModelMultipleChoiceField object>}#
property media#

Return all media required to render the widgets on this form.

class enterprise.admin.forms.EnterpriseFeatureUserRoleAssignmentForm(*args, **kwargs)#

Bases: UserRoleAssignmentAdminForm

Form for EnterpriseFeatureUserRoleAssignments.

class Meta#

Bases: object

fields = ['user', 'role']#

alias of EnterpriseFeatureUserRoleAssignment

base_fields = {'role': <django.forms.models.ModelChoiceField object>, 'user': <edx_rbac.fields.UserFromEmailField object>}#
declared_fields = {'user': <edx_rbac.fields.UserFromEmailField object>}#
property media#

Return all media required to render the widgets on this form.

class enterprise.admin.forms.ManageLearnersDataSharingConsentForm(*args, **kwargs)#

Bases: Form

Form to request DSC from a learner.

class Fields#

Bases: object

Namespace class for field names.

COURSE = 'course'#
EMAIL_OR_USERNAME = 'email_or_username'#
base_fields = {'course': <django.forms.fields.CharField object>, 'email_or_username': <django.forms.fields.CharField object>}#

Verify course ID has an associated course in LMS.


Verify email_or_username has associated user in our database.

declared_fields = {'course': <django.forms.fields.CharField object>, 'email_or_username': <django.forms.fields.CharField object>}#

Check whether course exists in enterprise customer catalog.


Check whether user is linked to the enterprise customer or not.

property media#

Return all media required to render the widgets on this form.

class enterprise.admin.forms.ManageLearnersForm(*args, **kwargs)#

Bases: Form

Form to manage learner additions.

class CsvColumns#

Bases: object

Namespace class for CSV column names.

COURSE_ID = 'course_id'#
EMAIL = 'email'#
class Fields#

Bases: object

Namespace class for field names.

BULK_UPLOAD = 'bulk_upload_csv'#
COURSE = 'course'#
COURSE_MODE = 'course_mode'#
DISCOUNT = 'discount'#
EMAIL_OR_USERNAME = 'email_or_username'#
GENERAL_ERRORS = '__all__'#
MODE = 'mode'#
NOTIFY = 'notify_on_enrollment'#
REASON = 'reason'#
SALES_FORCE_ID = 'sales_force_id'#
class Modes#

Bases: object

Namespace class for form modes.

MODE_BULK = 'bulk'#
MODE_SINGULAR = 'singular'#
class NotificationTypes#

Bases: object

Namespace class for notification types

BY_EMAIL = 'by_email'#
DEFAULT = 'by_email'#
NO_NOTIFICATION = 'do_not_notify'#
base_fields = {'bulk_upload_csv': <django.forms.fields.FileField object>, 'course': <django.forms.fields.CharField object>, 'course_mode': <django.forms.fields.ChoiceField object>, 'discount': <django.forms.fields.DecimalField object>, 'email_or_username': <django.forms.fields.CharField object>, 'notify_on_enrollment': <django.forms.fields.ChoiceField object>, 'reason': <django.forms.fields.CharField object>, 'sales_force_id': <django.forms.fields.CharField object>}#

Clean fields that depend on each other.

In this case, the form can be used to link single user or bulk link multiple users. These are mutually exclusive modes, so this method checks that only one field is passed.


Verify course ID and retrieve course details.


Verify that discount value should be from 0 to 100.


Clean email form field


the cleaned value, converted to an email address (or an empty string)

Return type:



Clean the notify_on_enrollment field.


Clean the reason for enrollment field

declared_fields = {'bulk_upload_csv': <django.forms.fields.FileField object>, 'course': <django.forms.fields.CharField object>, 'course_mode': <django.forms.fields.ChoiceField object>, 'discount': <django.forms.fields.DecimalField object>, 'email_or_username': <django.forms.fields.CharField object>, 'notify_on_enrollment': <django.forms.fields.ChoiceField object>, 'reason': <django.forms.fields.CharField object>, 'sales_force_id': <django.forms.fields.CharField object>}#
property media#

Return all media required to render the widgets on this form.

class enterprise.admin.forms.SystemWideEnterpriseUserRoleAssignmentForm(*args, **kwargs)#

Bases: UserRoleAssignmentAdminForm

Form for SystemWideEnterpriseUserRoleAssignments.

class Meta#

Bases: object

fields = ['user', 'role', 'enterprise_customer', 'applies_to_all_contexts']#

alias of SystemWideEnterpriseUserRoleAssignment

base_fields = {'applies_to_all_contexts': <django.forms.fields.BooleanField object>, 'enterprise_customer': <django.forms.models.ModelChoiceField object>, 'role': <django.forms.models.ModelChoiceField object>, 'user': <edx_rbac.fields.UserFromEmailField object>}#

Ensure that the form’s enterprise customer value defaults to the first active, linked enterprise customer by the provided user

declared_fields = {'user': <edx_rbac.fields.UserFromEmailField object>}#
property media#

Return all media required to render the widgets on this form.

class enterprise.admin.forms.TransmitEnterpriseCoursesForm(data=None, files=None, auto_id='id_%s', prefix=None, initial=None, error_class=<class 'django.forms.utils.ErrorList'>, label_suffix=None, empty_permitted=False, field_order=None, use_required_attribute=None, renderer=None)#

Bases: Form

Form to transmit courses metadata for enterprise customers.

base_fields = {'channel_worker_username': <django.forms.fields.CharField object>}#

Clean enterprise channel worker user form field


the cleaned value of channel user username for transmitting courses metadata.

Return type:


declared_fields = {'channel_worker_username': <django.forms.fields.CharField object>}#
property media#

Return all media required to render the widgets on this form.

enterprise.admin.paginator module#

Custom paginator to implement smart pagination.

class enterprise.admin.paginator.CustomPaginator(object_list, per_page, orphans=0, allow_empty_first_page=True)#

Bases: Paginator

Adopted from django/core/paginator so as to implement smart links pagination in custom views.

property page_range#

We have customized the getter so that it can return the value of the page_range property instead of always calculating the result.

enterprise.admin.utils module#

Admin utilities.

class enterprise.admin.utils.UrlNames#

Bases: object

Collection on URL names used in admin

MANAGE_LEARNERS = 'enterprise_manage_learners'#
MANAGE_LEARNERS_DSC = 'enterprise_manage_learners_data_sharing_consent'#
PREVIEW_EMAIL_TEMPLATE = 'enterprise_preview_email_template'#
PREVIEW_QUERY_RESULT = 'enterprise_preview_query_result'#
SETUP_AUTH_ORG_ID = 'enterprise_setup_auth_org_id'#
TRANSMIT_COURSES_METADATA = 'enterprise_transmit_courses_metadata'#
URL_PREFIX = 'enterprise_'#

Convert email_or_username to email.


If email_or_username was a username returns user’s email, otherwise assumes it was an email and returns

as is.

Return type:


enterprise.admin.utils.paginated_list(object_list, page, page_size=25)#

Returns paginated list.

  • object_list (QuerySet) – A list of records to be paginated.

  • page (int) – Current page number.

  • page_size (int) – Number of records displayed in each paginated set.

  • show_all (bool) – Whether to show all records.

Adopted from django/contrib/admin/templatetags/admin_list.py django/django

enterprise.admin.utils.parse_csv(file_stream, expected_columns=None)#

Parse csv file and return a stream of dictionaries representing each row.

First line of CSV file must contain column headers.

  • file_stream – input file

  • expected_columns (set[unicode]) – columns that are expected to be present


dict – CSV line parsed into a dictionary.


Split the contents of the email field into a list.

In some cases, a user could enter a comma-separated value inline in the Manage Learners form. We should check to see if that’s the case, and provide a list of email addresses or usernames if it is.

enterprise.admin.utils.validate_csv(file_stream, expected_columns=None)#

Validate csv file for encoding and expected header.

  • file_stream – input file

  • expected_columns – list of column names that are expected to be present in csv


an iterable for csv datat if csv passes the validation

Return type:




enterprise.admin.views module#

Custom Django Admin views used in enterprise app.

class enterprise.admin.views.BaseEnterpriseCustomerView(**kwargs)#

Bases: View

Base class for Enterprise Customer views.

get_form_view(request, customer_uuid, additional_context=None)#

render the form with appropriate context.

template = None#
class enterprise.admin.views.CatalogQueryPreviewView(**kwargs)#

Bases: APIView

Renders a search/all response from Discovery for a particular catalog query.

get(request, catalog_query_id)#

Render the response for a particular catalog query.

static get_response_from_discovery(request, catalog_query)#

POST a query to Discovery’s search/all endpoint and return the results.

class enterprise.admin.views.EnterpriseCustomerManageLearnerDataSharingConsentView(**kwargs)#

Bases: BaseEnterpriseCustomerView

Manage Learners Data Sharing Consent View.

Allows to request the DSC from a learner for a specific course.

class ContextParameters#

Bases: object

Namespace-style class for custom context parameters.

ENTERPRISE_CUSTOMER = 'enterprise_customer'#
MANAGE_LEARNERS_DSC_FORM = 'manage_learners_data_sharing_consent_form'#
get(request, customer_uuid)#

Handle GET request - render “Request a DSC from Learner” form.

  • request (django.http.request.HttpRequest) – Request instance

  • customer_uuid (str) – Enterprise Customer UUID



Return type:


post(request, customer_uuid)#

Handle POST request - handle form submissions.

  • request (django.http.request.HttpRequest) – Request instance

  • customer_uuid (str) – Enterprise Customer UUID

template = 'enterprise/admin/clear_learners_data_sharing_consent.html'#
class enterprise.admin.views.EnterpriseCustomerManageLearnersView(**kwargs)#

Bases: BaseEnterpriseCustomerView

Manage Learners view.

Lists learners linked to chosen Enterprise Customer and allows adding and deleting them.

class ContextParameters#

Bases: object

Namespace-style class for custom context parameters.

ENTERPRISE_CUSTOMER = 'enterprise_customer'#
LEARNERS = 'learners'#
MANAGE_LEARNERS_FORM = 'manage_learners_form'#
PENDING_LEARNERS = 'pending_learners'#
SEARCH_KEYWORD = 'search_keyword'#
delete(request, customer_uuid)#

Handle DELETE request - handle unlinking learner.

  • request (django.http.request.HttpRequest) – Request instance

  • customer_uuid (str) – Enterprise Customer UUID



Return type:


get(request, customer_uuid)#

Handle GET request - render linked learners list and “Link learner” form.

  • request (django.http.request.HttpRequest) – Request instance

  • customer_uuid (str) – Enterprise Customer UUID



Return type:


get_enterprise_customer_user_queryset(request, search_keyword, customer_uuid, page_size=25)#

Get the list of EnterpriseCustomerUsers we want to render.

  • request (HttpRequest) – HTTP Request instance.

  • search_keyword (str) – The keyword to search for in users’ email addresses and usernames.

  • customer_uuid (str) – A unique identifier to filter down to only users linked to a

  • EnterpriseCustomer. (particular) –

  • page_size (int) – Number of learners displayed in each paginated set.

classmethod get_failed_enrollment_message(users, enrolled_in)#

Create message for the users who were not able to be enrolled in a course.

  • users – An iterable of users who were not successfully enrolled

  • enrolled_in (str) – A string identifier for the course with which enrollment was attempted

Returns: tuple: A 2-tuple containing a message type and message text

classmethod get_pending_enrollment_message(pending_users, enrolled_in)#

Create message for the users who were enrolled in a course.

  • users – An iterable of PendingEnterpriseCustomerUsers who were successfully linked with a pending enrollment

  • enrolled_in (str) – A string identifier for the course the pending users were linked to


A 2-tuple containing a message type and message text

Return type:


get_pending_users_queryset(search_keyword, customer_uuid)#

Get the list of PendingEnterpriseCustomerUsers we want to render.

  • search_keyword (str) – The keyword to search for in pending users’ email addresses.

  • customer_uuid (str) – A unique identifier to filter down to only pending users

  • EnterpriseCustomer. (linked to a particular) –


Retrieve the search querystring from the GET parameters.

classmethod get_success_enrollment_message(users, enrolled_in)#

Create message for the users who were enrolled in a course.

  • users – An iterable of users who were successfully enrolled

  • enrolled_in (str) – A string identifier for the course the users were enrolled in


A 2-tuple containing a message type and message text

Return type:


post(request, customer_uuid)#

Handle POST request - handle form submissions.

  • request (django.http.request.HttpRequest) – Request instance

  • customer_uuid (str) – Enterprise Customer UUID



Return type:


classmethod send_messages(http_request, message_requests)#

Deduplicate any outgoing message requests, and send the remainder.

  • http_request – The HTTP request in whose response we want to embed the messages

  • message_requests – A list of undeduplicated messages in the form of tuples of message type and text- for example, (‘error’, ‘Something went wrong’)

template = 'enterprise/admin/manage_learners.html'#
class enterprise.admin.views.EnterpriseCustomerSetupAuthOrgIDView(**kwargs)#

Bases: BaseEnterpriseCustomerView

Setup Auth org id View.

This action will configure SSO to GetSmarter using edX credentials via Auth0.

get(request, customer_uuid)#

Handle GET request - render “Setup Auth org id” form.

  • request (django.http.request.HttpRequest) – Request instance

  • customer_uuid (str) – Enterprise Customer UUID



Return type:


post(request, customer_uuid)#

Handle POST request - handle form submissions.

  • request (django.http.request.HttpRequest) – Request instance

  • customer_uuid (str) – Enterprise Customer UUID

template = 'enterprise/admin/setup_auth_org_id.html'#
class enterprise.admin.views.EnterpriseCustomerTransmitCoursesView(**kwargs)#

Bases: BaseEnterpriseCustomerView

Transmit courses view.

Allows transmitting of courses metadata for provided enterprise.

class ContextParameters#

Bases: object

Namespace-style class for custom context parameters.

ENTERPRISE_CUSTOMER = 'enterprise_customer'#
TRANSMIT_COURSES_METADATA_FORM = 'transmit_courses_metadata_form'#
get(request, customer_uuid)#

Handle GET request - render “Transmit courses metadata” form.

  • request (django.http.request.HttpRequest) – Request instance

  • customer_uuid (str) – Enterprise Customer UUID



Return type:


post(request, customer_uuid)#

Handle POST request - handle form submissions.

  • request (django.http.request.HttpRequest) – Request instance

  • customer_uuid (str) – Enterprise Customer UUID

template = 'enterprise/admin/transmit_courses_metadata.html'#
class enterprise.admin.views.TemplatePreviewView(**kwargs)#

Bases: View

Renders a given NotificationTemplate object to HTML for online viewing.

get(request, template_id, view_type)#

Render the given template with the stock data.

static get_user_name(request)#

Get a human-readable name for the user.

view_type_contexts = {'course': {'enrolled_in': {'name': 'OpenEdX Demo Course', 'start': datetime.datetime(2016, 1, 1, 0, 0), 'type': 'course', 'url': 'http://example.com/courses/edx-demo-course'}, 'organization_name': 'OpenEdX'}, 'program': {'enrolled_in': {'branding': 'MicroMasters', 'name': 'OpenEdX Demo Program', 'start': datetime.datetime(2016, 1, 1, 0, 0), 'type': 'program', 'url': 'http://example.com/programs/edx-demo-program'}, 'organization_name': 'OpenEdX'}}#

enterprise.admin.widgets module#

Widgets to be used in the enterprise djangoapp.

class enterprise.admin.widgets.SubmitInput(attrs=None)#

Bases: Input

Widget for input type field

input_type = 'submit'#
property media#
template_name = 'django/forms/widgets/text.html'#

Module contents#

Django admin integration for enterprise app.

class enterprise.admin.AdminNotificationAdmin(model, admin_site)#

Bases: ModelAdmin

Django admin for AdminNotification model.

filter_horizontal = ('admin_notification_filter',)#

alias of AdminNotificationForm

list_display = ('id', 'title', 'text', 'is_active', 'start_date', 'expiration_date', 'created', 'modified')#
property media#

alias of AdminNotification

class enterprise.admin.AdminNotificationFilterAdmin(model, admin_site)#

Bases: ModelAdmin

Django admin for models.AdminNotificationFilter model.

list_display = ('id', 'filter', 'created', 'modified')#
property media#

alias of AdminNotificationFilter

class enterprise.admin.AdminNotificationReadAdmin(model, admin_site)#

Bases: ModelAdmin

Django admin for AdminNotificationRead model.

list_display = ('id', 'enterprise_customer_user', 'admin_notification', 'is_read', 'created', 'modified')#
property media#

alias of AdminNotificationRead

class enterprise.admin.BigTableMysqlPaginator(object_list, per_page, orphans=0, allow_empty_first_page=True)#

Bases: Paginator

A paginator that uses INFORMATION_SCHEMA.TABLES to estimate the total number of rows in a table.

property count#

Returns the number of items in the object list (possibly an estimate).

class enterprise.admin.ChatGPTResponseAdmin(model, admin_site)#

Bases: ModelAdmin

Django admin for ChatGPTResponse model.

list_display = ('uuid', 'prompt_type', 'enterprise_customer', 'prompt_hash', 'created')#
list_filter = ('prompt_type',)#
property media#

alias of ChatGPTResponse

readonly_fields = ('prompt_type', 'prompt', 'response', 'prompt_hash', 'created', 'modified')#
class enterprise.admin.EnrollmentNotificationEmailTemplateAdmin(model, admin_site)#

Bases: DjangoObjectActions, ModelAdmin

Django admin for EnrollmentNotificationEmailTemplate model

class Meta#

Bases: object


alias of EnrollmentNotificationEmailTemplate

change_actions = ('preview_as_course', 'preview_as_program')#

Returns the additional urls used by the custom object tools.

property media#
preview(obj, preview_type)#

Object tool handler method - redirects to “Preview” view

preview_as_course(request, obj)#

Redirect to preview the HTML template in the context of a course.

preview_as_program(request, obj)#

Redirect to preview the HTML template in the context of a program.

class enterprise.admin.EnterpriseCatalogQueryAdmin(model, admin_site)#

Bases: ModelAdmin

Django admin model for EnterpriseCatalogQuery.

class Meta#

Bases: object


alias of EnterpriseCatalogQuery


Return discovery url for preview.

fields = ('uuid', 'title', 'discovery_query_url', 'content_filter')#

Returns the additional urls used by the custom object tools.

has_delete_permission(request, obj=None)#

Return True if the given request has permission to delete the given Django model instance, the default implementation doesn’t examine the obj parameter.

Can be overridden by the user in subclasses. In such case it should return True if the given request has permission to delete the obj model instance. If obj is None, this should return True if the given request has permission to delete any object of the given type.

list_display = ('title', 'discovery_query_url')#
property media#
readonly_fields = ('discovery_query_url', 'uuid')#
class enterprise.admin.EnterpriseCourseEnrollmentAdmin(model, admin_site)#

Bases: ModelAdmin

Django admin model for EnterpriseCourseEnrollment

class Meta#

Bases: object


alias of EnterpriseCourseEnrollment

change_list_template = 'enterprise/admin/enterprise_course_enrollments_list.html'#
changelist_view(request, extra_context=None)#

Override to conditionally show the button.


Append Enrollment Attribute Override view url with default urls


Disable add permission for EnterpriseCourseEnrollment.

has_delete_permission(request, obj=None)#

Disable deletion for EnterpriseCourseEnrollment.


Return the subscription license UUID (if any exists) associated with this enrollment.

list_display = ('enterprise_customer_user', 'course_id', 'saved_for_later', 'unenrolled_at')#
property media#
readonly_fields = ('enterprise_customer_user', 'course_id', 'saved_for_later', 'license_uuid')#
search_fields = ('enterprise_customer_user__user_id', 'course_id')#
class enterprise.admin.EnterpriseCustomerAdmin(model, admin_site)#

Bases: DjangoObjectActions, SimpleHistoryAdmin

Django admin model for EnterpriseCustomer.

EXPORT_AS_CSV_FIELDS = ['name', 'active', 'site', 'uuid', 'identity_provider']#
class Meta#

Bases: object


alias of EnterpriseCustomer

actions = [<function export_as_csv_action.<locals>.export_as_csv>]#
change_actions = ('setup_auth_org_id', 'manage_learners', 'manage_learners_data_sharing_consent', 'transmit_courses_metadata')#
change_view(request, object_id, form_url='', extra_context=None)#

Return True if data sharing consent is enabled for EnterpriseCustomer.


instance (enterprise.models.EnterpriseCustomer) – EnterpriseCustomer model instance

fieldsets = (('Enterprise info', {'fields': ('name', 'active', 'slug', 'auth_org_id', 'country')}), ('Subsidy management screens ', {'fields': ('enable_portal_learner_credit_management_screen', 'enable_portal_subscription_management_screen', 'enable_portal_code_management_screen'), 'description': "Select the check boxes below to enable specific subsidy management screens on the organization's administrator portal. If an option is left unchecked, the customer administrator will not see the screen in their portal and will not be able to apply the associated configurations via self-service."}), ('Subsidy settings', {'fields': ('enable_browse_and_request', 'enable_universal_link'), 'description': 'Select the check boxes below to enable specific subsidy management settings for the administrator portal for subscription and codes customers. These should not be selected for customers that only have learner credit.'}), ('Data sharing consent', {'fields': ('enable_data_sharing_consent', 'enforce_data_sharing_consent')}), ('Email and language ', {'fields': ('contact_email', 'reply_to', 'sender_alias', 'default_language', 'hide_labor_market_data')}), ('Reporting', {'fields': ('enable_portal_reporting_config_screen',)}), ('Integration and learning platform settings', {'fields': ('enable_portal_lms_configurations_screen', 'enable_portal_saml_configuration_screen', 'enable_slug_login', 'replace_sensitive_sso_username', 'hide_course_original_price', 'enable_generation_of_api_credentials')}), ('Recommended default settings for all enterprise customers', {'fields': ('site', 'customer_type', 'enable_learner_portal', 'enable_integrated_customer_learner_portal_search', 'enable_analytics_screen', 'enable_audit_enrollment', 'enable_audit_data_reporting', 'enable_learner_portal_offers', 'enable_executive_education_2U_fulfillment', 'enable_career_engagement_network_on_learner_portal', 'career_engagement_network_message', 'enable_pathways', 'enable_programs', 'enable_demo_data_for_analytics_and_lpr', 'enable_academies', 'enable_one_academy'), 'description': 'The following default settings should be the same for the majority of enterprise customers, and are either rarely used, unlikely to be sold, or unlikely to be changed from the default.'}))#

alias of EnterpriseCustomerAdminForm

get_change_actions(*args, **kwargs)#

Buttons that appear at the top of the “Change Enterprise Customer” page.

Due to a known deficiency in the upstream django_object_actions library, we must STILL define change_actions above with all possible values.

get_form(request, obj=None, change=False, **kwargs)#

Retrieve the appropriate form to use, saving the request user into the form for use in loading catalog details

get_search_results(request, queryset, search_term)#

Return a tuple containing a queryset to implement the search and a boolean indicating if the results may contain duplicates.


Returns the additional urls used by the custom object tools.


Return True if EnterpriseCustomer has related identity provider.


instance (enterprise.models.EnterpriseCustomer) – EnterpriseCustomer model instance

Return True if EnterpriseCustomer has a logo.


instance (enterprise.models.EnterpriseCustomer) – EnterpriseCustomer model instance

inlines = [<class 'enterprise.admin.EnterpriseCustomerBrandingConfigurationInline'>, <class 'enterprise.admin.EnterpriseCustomerIdentityProviderInline'>, <class 'enterprise.admin.EnterpriseCustomerCatalogInline'>, <class 'enterprise.admin.PendingEnterpriseCustomerAdminUserInline'>]#
list_display = ('name', 'slug', 'customer_type', 'site', 'country', 'active', 'has_logo', 'enable_dsc', 'has_identity_provider', 'uuid')#
list_filter = ('active',)#
manage_learners(request, obj)#

Object tool handler method - redirects to “Manage Learners” view

Object tool handler method - redirects to “Clear Learners Data Sharing Consent” view

property media#
ordering = ('name',)#
search_fields = ('name', 'uuid')#
setup_auth_org_id(request, obj)#

Object tool handler method - redirects to Setup Auth org id view.

transmit_courses_metadata(request, obj)#

Object tool handler method - redirects to Transmit Courses Metadata view.

class enterprise.admin.EnterpriseCustomerBrandingConfigurationInline(parent_model, admin_site)#

Bases: StackedInline

Django admin model for EnterpriseCustomerBrandingConfiguration.

The admin interface has the ability to edit models on the same page as a parent model. These are called inlines. https://docs.djangoproject.com/en/1.8/ref/contrib/admin/#django.contrib.admin.StackedInline

can_delete = False#
property media#

alias of EnterpriseCustomerBrandingConfiguration

class enterprise.admin.EnterpriseCustomerCatalogAdmin(model, admin_site)#

Bases: ModelAdmin

Django admin model for EnterpriseCustomerCatalog.

class Media#

Bases: object

js = ('enterprise/admin/enterprise_customer_catalog.js',)#
class Meta#

Bases: object


alias of EnterpriseCustomerCatalog

actions = [<function refresh_catalog>]#
autocomplete_fields = ['enterprise_customer']#
fields = ('title', 'enterprise_customer', 'enterprise_catalog_query', 'content_filter', 'enabled_course_modes', 'publish_audit_enrollment_urls')#

Disallow the delete selected action as that does not send a DELETE request to enterprise-catalog

get_form(request, obj=None, change=False, **kwargs)#

Return a Form class for use in the admin add view. This is used by add_view and change_view.

list_display = ('uuid_nowrap', 'enterprise_customer', 'title', 'preview_catalog_url')#
property media#
ordering = ('enterprise_customer__name', 'title')#

Return enterprise catalog url for preview.

readonly_fields = ('preview_catalog_url',)#
search_fields = ('uuid', 'title', 'enterprise_customer__name', 'enterprise_customer__uuid')#

Inject html for disabling wrap for uuid

class enterprise.admin.EnterpriseCustomerCatalogInline(parent_model, admin_site)#

Bases: TabularInline

Django admin model for EnterpriseCustomerCatalog. The admin interface has the ability to edit models on the same page as a parent model. These are called inlines. https://docs.djangoproject.com/en/1.8/ref/contrib/admin/#django.contrib.admin.StackedInline

can_delete = False#
extra = 0#

alias of EnterpriseCustomerCatalogAdminForm

get_formset(request, obj=None, **kwargs)#

Return a BaseInlineFormSet class for use in admin add/change views.

property media#

alias of EnterpriseCustomerCatalog

class enterprise.admin.EnterpriseCustomerIdentityProviderInline(parent_model, admin_site)#

Bases: StackedInline

Django admin model for EnterpriseCustomerIdentityProvider.

The admin interface has the ability to edit models on the same page as a parent model. These are called inlines. https://docs.djangoproject.com/en/1.8/ref/contrib/admin/#django.contrib.admin.StackedInline

extra = 0#

alias of EnterpriseCustomerIdentityProviderAdminForm

property media#

alias of EnterpriseCustomerIdentityProvider

class enterprise.admin.EnterpriseCustomerInviteKeyAdmin(model, admin_site)#

Bases: ModelAdmin

Django admin model for EnterpriseCustomerInviteKey.

class Meta#

Bases: object


alias of EnterpriseCustomerInviteKey

fields = ('enterprise_customer', 'usage_count', 'usage_limit', 'expiration_date', 'is_active')#
get_readonly_fields(request, obj=None)#

Hook for specifying custom readonly fields.

list_display = ('uuid', 'enterprise_customer_id', 'usage_limit', 'expiration_date', 'is_active')#
list_filter = ('is_active',)#
property media#
readonly_fields = ('uuid', 'usage_count')#
search_fields = ('uuid__startswith', 'enterprise_customer__name__startswith')#
class enterprise.admin.EnterpriseCustomerReportingConfigurationAdmin(model, admin_site)#

Bases: ModelAdmin

Django admin model for EnterpriseCustomerReportingConfiguration.

class Meta#

Bases: object


alias of EnterpriseCustomerReportingConfiguration

autocomplete_fields = ['enterprise_customer']#

alias of EnterpriseCustomerReportingConfigAdminForm

get_fields(request, obj=None)#

Return the fields that should be displayed on the admin form.

list_display = ('enterprise_customer', 'active', 'delivery_method', 'frequency', 'data_type', 'report_type')#
list_filter = ('active',)#
property media#
ordering = ('enterprise_customer__name',)#
search_fields = ('enterprise_customer__name', 'email')#
class enterprise.admin.EnterpriseCustomerSsoConfigurationAdmin(model, admin_site)#

Bases: DjangoObjectActions, ModelAdmin

Django admin for models.EnterpriseCustomerSsoConfigurationAdmin model.

change_actions = ['mark_configured']#
list_display = ('uuid', 'enterprise_customer', 'active', 'identity_provider', 'created', 'configured_at')#
mark_configured(request, obj)#

Object tool handler method - marks the config as configured.

property media#

alias of EnterpriseCustomerSsoConfiguration

class enterprise.admin.EnterpriseCustomerTypeAdmin(model, admin_site)#

Bases: ModelAdmin

Django admin model for EnterpriseCustomerType.

class Meta#

Bases: object


alias of EnterpriseCustomerType

fields = ('name',)#
list_display = ('name',)#
property media#
search_fields = ('name',)#
class enterprise.admin.EnterpriseCustomerUserAdmin(model, admin_site)#

Bases: ModelAdmin

Django admin model for EnterpriseCustomerUser.

class Meta#

Bases: object


alias of EnterpriseCustomerUser


Return a string representing a given EnterpriseCustomerUser’s enterprise course enrollments


enterprise_customer_user – The instance of EnterpriseCustomerUser being rendered with this admin form.

fields = ('user_id', 'enterprise_customer', 'user_email', 'username', 'created', 'enterprise_enrollments', 'other_enrollments', 'invite_key', 'active', 'should_inactivate_other_customers')#

Get an HTML string representing the courses the user is enrolled in.


Returns the name of enterprise customer linked with the enterprise customer user.

get_readonly_fields(request, obj=None)#

Make all fields readonly when editing existing model.

get_search_results(request, queryset, search_term)#

Return a tuple containing a queryset to implement the search and a boolean indicating if the results may contain duplicates.

list_display = ('username', 'user_email', 'get_enterprise_customer')#
property media#

Return a string representing a given EnterpriseCustomerUser’s non-enterprise course enrollments


enterprise_customer_user – The instance of EnterpriseCustomerUser being rendered with this admin form.

readonly_fields = ('user_email', 'username', 'created', 'enterprise_enrollments', 'other_enrollments')#
search_fields = ('user_id', 'user_email')#
class enterprise.admin.EnterpriseFeatureUserRoleAssignmentAdmin(model, admin_site)#

Bases: UserRoleAssignmentAdmin

Django admin model for EnterpriseFeatureUserRoleAssignment.

class Meta#

Bases: object


alias of EnterpriseFeatureUserRoleAssignment


alias of EnterpriseFeatureUserRoleAssignmentForm

property media#
class enterprise.admin.EnterpriseGroupAdmin(model, admin_site)#

Bases: ModelAdmin

Django admin for EnterpriseGroup model.


Return the number of members in a group

list_display = ('uuid', 'enterprise_customer', 'applies_to_all_contexts')#
list_filter = ('applies_to_all_contexts',)#
property media#

Return the non-deleted members of a group


alias of EnterpriseGroup

readonly_fields = ('count', 'members')#
search_fields = ('uuid', 'name', 'enterprise_customer__name', 'enterprise_customer__uuid')#
class enterprise.admin.EnterpriseGroupMembershipAdmin(model, admin_site)#

Bases: ModelAdmin

Django admin for EnterpriseGroupMembership model.

autocomplete_fields = ('group', 'enterprise_customer_user', 'pending_enterprise_customer_user')#
list_display = ('group', 'membership_user')#
property media#

alias of EnterpriseGroupMembership

search_fields = ('uuid', 'group__enterprise_customer_user', 'enterprise_customer_user', 'pending_enterprise_customer_user')#
class enterprise.admin.PendingEnrollmentAdmin(model, admin_site)#

Bases: ModelAdmin

Django admin model for PendingEnrollment

class Meta#

Bases: object


alias of PendingEnrollment


Disable add permission for PendingEnrollment.

has_delete_permission(request, obj=None)#

Disable deletion for PendingEnrollment.

list_display = ('user', 'course_id', 'course_mode')#
property media#
readonly_fields = ('user', 'course_id', 'course_mode')#
search_fields = ('user__user_email', 'course_id')#
class enterprise.admin.PendingEnterpriseCustomerAdminUserAdmin(model, admin_site)#

Bases: ModelAdmin

Django admin model for PendingEnterpriseCustomerAdminUser

class Meta#

Bases: object


alias of PendingEnterpriseCustomerAdminUser

fields = ('user_email', 'enterprise_customer', 'get_admin_registration_url')#

Formats the admin_registration_url model property as an HTML link.


Returns the name of the associated EnterpriseCustomer.

list_display = ('user_email', 'get_enterprise_customer', 'get_admin_registration_url')#
property media#
readonly_fields = ('get_admin_registration_url',)#
search_fields = ('user_email', 'enterprise_customer__name')#
class enterprise.admin.PendingEnterpriseCustomerAdminUserInline(parent_model, admin_site)#

Bases: TabularInline

Django admin inline model for PendingEnterpriseCustomerAdminUser.

extra = 0#
fieldsets = ((None, {'fields': ('user_email', 'get_admin_registration_url')}),)#

Formats the admin_registration_url model property as an HTML link.

property media#

alias of PendingEnterpriseCustomerAdminUser

readonly_fields = ('get_admin_registration_url',)#
class enterprise.admin.PendingEnterpriseCustomerUserAdmin(model, admin_site)#

Bases: ModelAdmin

Django admin model for PendingEnterpriseCustomerUser

class Meta#

Bases: object


alias of PendingEnterpriseCustomerUser

fields = ('user_email', 'enterprise_customer', 'created')#
property media#
readonly_fields = ('user_email', 'enterprise_customer', 'created')#
search_fields = ('user_email', 'id')#
class enterprise.admin.SystemWideEnterpriseUserRoleAssignmentAdmin(model, admin_site)#

Bases: UserRoleAssignmentAdmin

Django admin model for SystemWideEnterpriseUserRoleAssignment.

class Meta#

Bases: object


alias of SystemWideEnterpriseUserRoleAssignment

fields = ('user', 'role', 'enterprise_customer', 'applies_to_all_contexts')#

alias of SystemWideEnterpriseUserRoleAssignmentForm

list_display = ('user', 'role', 'enterprise_customer', 'applies_to_all_contexts')#
list_per_page = 25#
property media#

alias of BigTableMysqlPaginator

search_fields = ('user__email', 'role__name', 'enterprise_customer__name')#
show_full_result_count = False#