Enterprise role assignments will record a customer UUID


Accepted - January 2021


The SystemWideEnterpriseUserRoleAssignment model is used to grant role-based permissions to enterprise users. These permissions generally control the users’ access to data and ability to perform certain functions within an enterprise customer. This assignment model does not currently refer to any specific customer - the “context” to which a role is applied is inferred from a user (an auth.User record) having been “linked” to a customer via the EnterpriseCustomerUser model.

However, a single auth.User may be linked to multiple EnterpriseCustomers, and if that user is assigned a role (such as enterprise_admin), it is inferred that the role assignment applies to every customer to which the user is linked. This is undesirable; we generally do not want an admin of Customer A to also have admin permissions for Customer B (to which the user may be linked as a mere learner). Instead, the SystemWideEnterpriseUserRoleAssignment model should explicitly record which customer the assigned user has the given role in.

Decisions (interspersed with Consequences)

We’ll add an enterprise_customer field to the assignment model

  • It will be an optional field. It should be a foreign key on EnterpriseCustomer.uuid.

  • Via an edx-rbac change, we will also add a boolean applies_to_all_contexts field, which is a wildcard that, if true, indicates the user has the role assigned for every customer. It should default to false.

  • The semantics of applies_to_all_contexts imply that enterprise_customer will sometimes be null. For example, a user assigned the enterprise_openedx_operator role will have applies_to_all_contexts set to true and an enterprise_customer as null.

  • We will add a customer validator to enforce that the enterprise_customer field can be null only when applies_to_all_contexts is true.

We’ll backfill the values of this field

  • We’ll make the current, implicit assignments (that is, if a role is assigned to a user, that role applies to the user in every customer to which the user is linked) explicit by filling in the UUID value of the linked enterprise customer.

  • For enterprise_openedx_operator roles, the applies_to_all_contexts field will be marked true.

We’ll do a hand-audit of enterprise_admin role assignments

  • For every user who is effectively an admin of two different enterprise customers, we’ll have to manually determine (with help from our support team) which of the two customers they are actually an admin of, and which they are simply a learner within (unless they’re truly an admin of both).

The context of a system-wide enterprise assignment is determined from enterprise_customer

  • This is true for every role.

  • If applies_to_all is true, get_context() should return the wildcard context token “*”.

  • The code that populates the user JWTs with (role name, customer UUID) pairs shouldn’t have to change - that code should only be looking at the get_context() method of the role assignment class.

Admin forms must record a value for enterprise_customer

  • It would be nice to “auto-populate” it somehow if the user is linked to only one enterprise customer.